How to Create AI News Videos: Create AI News Videos like this for free!

In today’s time, with the help of AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence, many people are uploading news videos on YouTube and Instagram, which are getting views in lakhs and crores because people are watching the news videos told by AI. I am liking it a lot.

In such a situation, there are many people who want to know about How to Create AI News Videos but they do not have any information about it. Therefore, in today’s post we will give you information about How to Create AI News Videos, with the help of which you can also upload AI News videos on your YouTube and Instagram.

How to Create AI News Videos?

To create news videos by AI, first of all you will need a character, who will tell the news to all the people in the video. When you have the character ready for the video, then you will have to write the news in the form of a script, after which you will have to convert the script into voice through AI tool.

After doing these things, you will have to give news voice to your character with the help of AI tool, in this way you can create AI News Videos very easily. We have explained all these steps below.

1. Create character for news video

In any news video, the most important thing is who is presenting the news, so to make AI News Videos, first you have to create a character, for which you can use tool.

With the help of Leonardo AI, you can easily create amazing AI News Anchors which will work as video characters for you. The most special thing about this tool is that Leonardo AI is a free AI tool with the help of which you can create amazing characters.

2. Prepare News Script

When the character for your AI video is ready, then you have to prepare the script for your news or in other words, you have to prepare the news that you want to be told by AI. To get news ideas, you can also follow big news portals like Itechmafiia, AajTak, ABPNews.

3. Create AI Voice now

Now that you have both the characters and the news script for your AI News Video, all you need to do is convert the script you’ve created into a voice with the help of AI tools.

Elevenlabs is such an AI tool that can easily give voices of many different types of people to any type of script in just a few hundred rupees. In this AI tool you will get the facility of both boy and girl voices.

4. Prepare AI News Videos

After the AI character and AI voice are ready, you have to use Ai tool, with the help of this you can easily make any character call anything by giving a voice to it. After going to HeyGen, first of all you have to register yourself there.

After this you will get the option of Create Video there, after clicking on which the video making mode will open on your screen. Where you have to upload your created character and created voice. After which when you click on submit, this tool will easily create AI News Video for you.

So in this way you can easily create AI News Videos, if you have any question related to this then you can ask by commenting below.

We hope that from this article you would have got complete information about How to Create AI News Videos and you would have also learned to make AI News Videos, share it with your friends also so that they can also learn about How to Create AI News Videos. Can get information about.

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